citation guérison islam

your doing a great job…, Walaikum Asalam :) When you don’t understand what’s happening in your life, Just close your eyes, and take a deep breath and say, “Ya Allah, I know this is your plan just help me through it.”, If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Born from different mothers skins of all colors come together as brothers. Quel est le statut légal du hadj ? taking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. Allah says: If Allah knows [any] good in your hearts, He will give you [something] better than what was taken from you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Balance your Dunya around your Deen. 4 talking about this. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it. Objectives To examine the rate of resolution to well‐cooked, compared with uncooked egg in children, and safety of egg challenges. If we wish to use any of the Quranic quotes, pictures or articles from your site, are we permitted to do so. Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test. Curatives naturelles ne croient plus a la douleur tu pas du salut peu a commis des premiers développements concrets, réalistes et quand on encore trop grande, … Assalamo Allaicum :-) Masha Allah Brother, I like your Islamic Quotes. Naveed Ahmed Jadoon Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle! Over A 151,000 people die in this world every day, I thank Allah for still giving me some more time to fix my Akhirah.. Don’t be like those who forgot God, so God caused them to forget their own souls. La chaîne est accessible 7 jours sur 7 et 24h sur 24. Be patient, until the judgement of your Lord comes. A person’s tongue can give you the taste of his heart. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong. Walaikum Asalam :) Jazak Allah for commenting and appreciating this post :), assalamu alaikkum…thanks brother for the wonderful quotes.i really love islamic quotes, assalamu alaikkum….thank you brother for the wonderful quotes….i really love islamic quotes…..allah bless u……he never forgot your prayer…..and you also pray for all islamic brothers and sisters, walaikukm Aslam bro :) JAzakAllah for commenting and appreciating this post with such a beautiful Dua.. Ameen Suma Ameen :), Jazakhallu khayran. If you want guaranteed Success, make every effort to please Allah. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it IN THE OBEDIENCE OF ALLAH. Masha Allah, these quotes are very nice, heart touching, Copyright © 2017 masallah brother,u r doing a great job.Todays young generation needs such reminders.God bless you . And Allah is the best of planners | Surah Ali ‘Imran (3:54), And say “My Lord, increase me in  knowledge” | Surah Taha (20:114), Whoever does righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will grant them a happy life | Surah An-Nahl (16:97), The good deed and the bad deed are not the same. Just love me and life will beautiful.”, Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Do not force the religion on your family. which quotes do you like most ? from Pakistan ” {Quran 49:12}, Shaikh Ibn Taymiyah Said: “The Heart was only created for the remembrance of Allah.” [Majmu Al fatawa 9/233 | Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya]. “Islam is a mercy. Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you. your own Pins on Pinterest A wonderful Job, being under progress, its is the best way to educate muslins and non-Muslims about Islam, since even a large % of muslins are not aware about what their religion says or teaches and how and why, Your efforts are serving a very big purpose in life for you in this world and the hereafter, I pray to Allah, for your long and Content life and to continue this and other kinds of SADAKKA-JARIYAH. If you see that Allah comforts you with his remembrance, Then know that he indeed loves you. Truth must win n he should come out safely witout getting harm… Control your anger or it will control you. forgiving is jihad. Imam Ali Reza PBUH. | Surah Al-Furqan (25:20), And do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah (SWT). | Al-Alaq-14, Hold firmly to the rope of Allah | Quran 3:103, And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (death) | Al-Hijr 15:99, Do what is beautiful. Alhamdulillah! Mashallah very nice ind anspired messages.I really like……, Walaikum aslam :) Of course it is a version of the Quran as no words have been altered just simply changed to a different language so Islam can expand and people can understand it so please take a deep thought before you write about Islam. Please remind me that your plans are better than my dreams. Job in Saudia Dammam, wow thank you.. JAZAKALLAH naveed bro for sharing this post and beautiful prayers.. :) Ameen Suma ameen :), as’salamu alaikum Allah knows but you do not know | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:216, And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, ‘My punishment is severe.’ | Surah Ibrahim 14:7, And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, “My Lord, show me [Yourself], that I may look at You,” Allah said, “You will not see Me, but look at the mountains; if it should remain in place, then you will see Me.” But when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it collapse to dust, and Moses fell unconcious. Indeed, my Lord is merciful and loving | Quran 11:90, Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good | The Holy Quran 16:128, Did he not realise that Allah is watching? These Short inspirational quotes are really worth reading and spreading. That is the straight path | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:51, It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Always leave loved ones with loving words. Brother really superb post you share with us.Love to read it.Keep sharing . – Ibn Qayyim Al jawziyyah. A Knife didn’t kill Ismail (Alaihi Salam), The fire Didn’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi Salaam), A whale Didn’t Eat Younus (Alaihi Salam), The sea didn’t Drown Musa (Alayhi Salam). This is everything I truely believe as a muslim and wanted it in quotes.. – Nauman Ali Khan. Because finally, I’m posting some inspirational and beautiful Islamic quotes about life with pictures. “No one besides ALLAH can rescue a soul from hardship ” Quran 53:58. The tongue utters what’s in the heart. Jazakallah, Thank for commenting and appreciating this post :) JAZAK ALLAH bro :), Assalamualaikum….I really loved these quotes ..these quotes were really inspiring and heart touching ..I appreciate you for this great work..may the Almighty shower his blessings upon you and everyone. Practicing Islam beautifies once character. Every new breath that Allah allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a Responsibility. Struggling for the good deed is jihad. New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society, 1986. Bless you for sharing these beautiful quotes. Thank you! Non-Muslim living Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or cause him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, then”I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT.” enough to leave your bed and pray Fajr? Jazakallahu khair,we need people like you. jazakallahu bikhair really great and heart touching, May Allah grant us Janna and the all Muslims who act upon the guidance of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Thank you for sharing, may Allah swt itself, rewards you for what you’ve been shared…, Maasha Allah for compiling all these. Stop asking me why I’m still single I don’t ask you how are you still married. He is Most Knowing of who is pious | Surah An-Najm 53:32, Closer and closer to Mankind comes their Reckoning. My site is still under construction. Recent Post by Page . Si vous ne possédez pas encore de Bible ou de Nouveau Testament, voici quelques paroles de Jésus-Christ, de Dieu, ainsi que des citations du livre des Psaumes, des Proverbes et des autres livres de la Bible. No doubt!! Today touch this side so I’m very glad bcoz i m learning English speaking self so i m searching Islamic quotes n i founded . in surah al-Isra, A widow at 51, Gujri' became respectfully known as Mata Gujri, mother of the Guru, when her 9 year old son Gobind Rai became succeeded his martyred father as the tenth guru of the Sikhs. Assalam wa Alaikum, Allah has something better planned for you. – Omar Suleiman, This Dunya “are you pleased with the life of this world (Dunya) rather than the hereafter (Aakhira)? Of course it is a version of the Quran as no words have been altered just simply changed to a different language so Islam can expand and people can understand it so please take a deep thought before you write about Islam. My life has just bring changed, I belief sorely in Allah. … You will die the way you Lived – Muhammad Peace be upon Him. Qu'ALLAH Facilite nos Epreuves. smiling in the Tough moment is Jihad. Happy is the soul that found Allah before finding Dunya. These your effort Allah Accept and we will meet in Jannah. So we revealed to MUSA. | Surah Ar-Rahman 55:13, It is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts | Surah Al-Haj 22:46, And establish prayer; surely prayer keeps one away from indecency and evil | Surah Al-‘Ankabut 29:45, And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship) | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:43, And ease for me my task | Surah Taha 20:26, Allah (SWT) is the ally of those who believe. Yesterday at 2:37 AM. When you’re close to Allah he softens your heart. Your email address will not be published. 20 janv. No matter what your physical appearance, when you have kindness in your heart, You’re the most beautiful person in the world. Beautiful compilations. Dear Allah, i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love, and guidance. Please add more and thank you for your effort…. :), Wlaikum Asalam,thank you for commenting and appreciating this post. I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers | Surah Al-A’raf 7:143, And verily the hereafter, will be better for thee. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief | Surah al-Inshirah (94:5-6), So be patient. But if you pay attention, You’ll notice that Allah has sent other people who treat you even better. Jazakallah Khair. Let not Satan seduce you. May Allah(swt) listen everyone’s prayer n let him release free.. Ameen Rather than stressing about things we cannot control. I really love Islamic Quotes. Increase me in knowledge.” | Surat Taha 20:114, Unquestionably, to Allah (SWT) belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the Earth | Surah Yunus 10:55, But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah (SWT) | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:165, O you believe! He is watchful of whatever you do | Surah Fussilat 41:40, Treat not the orphan with harshness, nor repulse the petitioner unheard | Surah Ad-Duhaa 93:9-10, Say, “In the Bounty of Allah, and in His mercy – in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate | Surah Yunus 10:58, and never have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord, unhappy | Surah Maryam 19:4, Indeed He does not like the proud | Surah An-Nahl 16:23, Verily, Allah (SWT) forgives all sins | Surah Az-Zumar 39:53, And do not let your dislike of a people lead you to be unjust | Surah Al-Ma-idah 5:8, Allah (SWT) does not burden a soul except with that within its capacity | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:286, Be patient; indeed, the (best) outcome is for the righteous | Surah Hud 11:49, Allah (SWT) wants to lighten for you your difficulties, and mankind was created weak | Surah An-Nisa 4:28, There is no creature on earth but that upon Allah (SWT) is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage | Surah Hud 11:6, Peace, a word from a Merciful Lord | Surat Ya-Sin 36:58, Every soul will taste death | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:185, To Allah (SWT) is your return, and He has power over all things | Surah Hud 11:4, Allah (SWT) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts | Surah Ar-Ra’d 13:11, So endure patiently, with beautiful patience | Surah Al-Ma’arij 70:5, Whoever receives guidance, receives it for his own benefit. Barakallahu Fika wa ahsanu ilaik,thank u mursaleen for such beautiful work and I pray Allah(SWT) reward u abundantly. Everything in life is pre-written but with Dua, it can be re-written. but it is the people who are wronging themselves. Le hadj est un pilier de l'islam. Music Video. Allah loves those who do what is beautiful | Surah Baqarah 2:195, Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of Supplication | Quran 14:30, And Allah is the best of providers | Surah Al-Jumu’ah Ayah 11, Indeed, Prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing | Al-Quran 29:45, “and He is with you wherever you are” | Quran 57:4, O Mankind, Indeed we have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. ……, Masha Allah I like this My Allah reward you bro for your inspiration or incouragement this place is one of goals as i established aface book page like this one week ago and i called it PROUDY MUSLIMA, JAzak ALLAh for commenting and appreciating the post.. kindly share link of your page, Walaikum Asalam.. jazak ALLah for commenting and appreciating this post :), May almighty Allah bless you for this blessing messags. Thanks a lot, Assalam’Alaikum…. My Lord, I am absolute need of the good You send me | Surah Al-Qasas (28:24), And if you would count the graces of Allah (SWT), never could you be able to count them | Surah Ibrahim (14:34), Does he not know that God sees? It is Islam that has made the Muslim great.” “Don’t take salah as a burden. Brother Thank you for sharing with us, I like this very much. Tahajuud. 2015 - Découvrez le tableau "quotes on patience" de Rachel Carré sur Pinterest. ALLAH wants your Attention, not your Attendance. Yesterday at 12:22 PM. Nouman Ali Khan. And Allah (SWT) is Knowing of that within the breasts | At-Taghabun 64:4, And whoever puts all his trust in Allah (SWT), He will be enough for him | Surah At-Talaq 65:1-3, Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow that is a great attainment | Surah al-Buruj 85:11, If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor] | Surah Ibrahim 14:7, Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress | Surah Al-Rahman, And He found you lost and guided [you] | Surah Ad-Duhaa 93:7, If the sea were ink for the words of my lord, the sea would surely be consumed before the words of my lord are exhausted | Al-Kahf 18:109, And let there be from you a nation inviting to good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:104, Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established | Surah Ibrahim 14:41, Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. I love it. Great work brother. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème musulman, rappel islam, hadith en francais. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah, Surah Ibrahim | v.7, Don’t lose hope, Nor be sad. shukran shukran, May Allah make us of those who listen the best of speech the book of Allah and follow the guidance of prophet [S.A.W], AssalamuAlaikum warahmatulla wabarkatahu……………..All ummate Muslims. Schiiten und Sunniten – die zwei größten Glaubensrichtungen . Thanks very muvh for sharing what ALMIGHTY ALLAH Gives you .may almighty Allah bless you. If you don’t want your kids to hurt others don’t show them how to do it. I am very happy to have gain more from this site. Instead, it causes some damage & proves That we need help ourselves. he doesn’t need us but we need him. If Allah wanted it to be only Arabic it would stay so and Arabic would be used throughout the world however it is not. The Shaping of Abbasid Rule. #TahajjudSalah. besides Allah (SWT) any protector or helper | Surah Al-Ahzab 33:17, Do not be sad, indeed Allah (SWT) is with us | Surah At-Tawbah 9:40, If Allah (SWT) should aid you, no one can overcome you | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:160, He is with you, whenever you may be; and Allah (SWT) is seeing your deeds | Surah Al-Hadid 57:4, When you have taken a decision put your trust in Allah (SWT) | Surah Al-‘Imran 3:159, Indeed, Allah (SWT) is ever Knowing and Wise | Surah Al-Insan 76:30, Indeed, the first house [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah – blessed and a guidance for the worlds | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:96, Sufficient is your lord as a guide and helper | Surah Al-Furqan 25:31, And mankind have not been given of knowledge except a little | Al-Isra 17:85, Surely, Allah (SWT) is with the patient | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:153, And Allah (SWT) sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established | Surah Ibrahim 14:41, Do whatever you wish. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Im from Toronto Canada. Allah makes you happy! 50+ Hard Time Quotes For Relationship – No Relation is Failed. I request you all to pray to ALLAH(swt) for him.. He doesn’t refer to it as “helping the Miskeen” or “giving charity to the Miskeen” Allah refers to this act as giving them what is their right and what they deserve. Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth | Quran 10:55, This is the book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah | Al-Quran 2:2, The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception | Quran 3:185, And when I am ill, it is He who cures me | Al-Quran 26:80, My Lord, increase me in Knowledge | Quran – Taha 20:114, So, which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? Maulana anzar shah qasmi is vry pious person n he spent his lyf fully jst for Islam. “Strike the sea with your staff and it split in two each part like a towering cliff.”. People of ALHAMDULILAH don’t have time to complain. Don’t sacrifice the ocean (Akhirah) for the bowl (Dunya). Being a Muslim is more than just going to the MASJID. Tirmidhi 1987, When Allah talks about giving to those who are in need of money, food, clothing, etc. This one suits on my current situation guys. Walaikum Assalam Brother Khairul – JazakAllah! The 4 unbreakable promises from Allah Almighty in Quran: We have already known the preceding generations among you, and We already know that later ones that are yet to come | Surah Al-Hijr 15:24, Had We sent down this Quran to a mountain, you would have seen it humbled, burst apart out of awe for Allah | Surah Al-Hashr 59:21, Allah (SWT) is the light of the Heavens and the Earth | Surah An-Nur 24:35, And none is like Him | Surah Al-Ikhlas 112:4, Indeed, Allah (SWT) forgives all sins | Surah Az-Zumar 39:53, And to Allah (SWT) belongs the outcome of all matters | Surah Al-Haj 22:41, Verily! 31 déc. Imam Ali Reza PBUH. 12 janv. even if you are nobody in the eyes of people. Dua Heals all negativity, hurt, anger, worries and depression. When there is no way ALLAH will make a way. The Prophet ﷺ said, Misguided and astray scholars. Not a Business. Either he will catch you or he will make you learn how to fly. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Al Qur'an Al Karim" de Fatou Diene sur Pinterest. Suicide Bombing is not from Islam Messenger of Allah Said: Indeed whoever (intentionally) Kills Himself, Then Certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. Yes the Quran was not written by our prophet in English as he was born in Saudi Arabia not in England where in the 7th century the language was made. i have selected “Someone, Somewhere, right now is fighting for his or her life. KTO est un média catholique, chaîne de télévision et site Internet, créé en 1999. He brings them out from darkness into the light | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:257, “Be, and it is”. Muslims all over the world take great interest in obtaining Quran education enthusiastically. The greatest thing a friend can do for you is, brings you closer to ALLAH. or suggest me some more short Islamic quotes so that I could update this post. Alhamdulillah. They asked, How? Thank you so much…. It is their right upon me and you and Allah is watching – Nouman Ali Khan. May Allah help every muslim… Ameen, As-salamualaykum, Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. you will always find comfort with ALLAH. Ameen! for commenting and appreciating. When you feel low or sad look around you. But we have to learn to trust it. Halal is a must. And men of purity are for women of purity | Surah An-Nur (24:26), Quran. The Dua’a on your tongue tells about the love in your heart. Trending: 80+ Islamic Marriage Quotes For Husband and Wife. Fear Allah because of his punishment. And if you find the strength to bow before you lord in those days. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème citation, islam, fond d'écran téléphone. I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I know who holds tomorrow. Don’t be proud of every guy wants you, cheap items have many buyers be a rare stone that only the pious can afford you, reach and get you in a Halal relationship (Nikkah). Gujri's husband, Guru Teg Bahadar, was martyred in Dheli on November 24, 1675 when he appealed the Mughal court on behalf of Hindus being forcibly converted to Islam. Thanks for sharing beautiful Quran Quotes. Easy Dhikr LA ILAHA ILALLAH doesn’t require any movement of the of lips so you can repeat it all day without any one noticing. Ya Rabb don’t put me back into what you once took me out from. Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life. I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH. Tawakkul is having full faith that ALLAH will take care of you even when things look Impossible. For indeed, you are in Our Eyes | Surah At-Tur 52:48, The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception | Surah Ali-‘Imran 3:185, Verily, after every difficulty there is relief | Surah ash-Sharh 94:5-6, Surely Allah (SWT) is ever watching over you | Surah An-Nisa 4:1, It is not the eyes are blind, but the hearts | Surah Al-Haj 22:46, Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by | Surah Ad-Duhaa 93:4, Our Lord, pour out on us patience and cause us to die as Muslim | Surat Al-A’raf 7:126, and completed My favour upon you | Surah Al-Ma’idah  5:3, Verily, with every hardship comes ease | Surah Ash-Sharh 94:6, And ease my task for me | Surah Taha 20:26, Indeed, Allah does not break His promise | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:9, The plan, and Allah (SWT) plans. Surely, they provide strength to Eeman. Mohamed Islam Bouglia or Mohamed Islem Bouglia also spelled Med Islam Bouglia (Arabic: محمد إسلام بوقلية ‎, born July 26 1997 in Tunis) is a Tunisian cyclist became paratriathlete following a road accident. You can’t claim you tried everything if you never got up in the last third of the night to ask Allah for it. plz do remember him and every ummati in ur precious prayers:) Guidance for mankind | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185), Fear not, surely Allah (SWT) is with us | Surah At-Tawbah (9:40), The sovereign of mankind | Surah An-Nas (114:2), Allah (SWT) likes those who are thankful | Surah Az-Zumar (39:7), (All) praise is due to Allah (SWT), whose is what is in the Heavens and what is in the Earth, and to Him is due (all) praise in the hereafter; and He is the wise, the aware | Surah Saba (34:1), And He found you lost and guided (you) | Surah Ad-Duhaa (93:7), And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sun and aggression | Surah Ma’idah (5:2), And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement | Surat Al-An’am (6:32), Peace it is until the emergence of dawn | Surah Al-Qadr (97:5), O mankind, indeed you are laboring towards your Lord with (great) exertion and you will meet Him | Surah Al-Inshiqaq (84:6), It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts | Surah Al-Haj (22:46), And We created you in pairs | Surah An-Naba (78:8), Indeed! HE calls you so he can forgive you for your sins. Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu. Question: Im developing a children’s islamic website, a very simple and basic site. May Allah forgive all of our sins and allows us to expand our knowledge about Islam and put it into action, consistently! © 2021 - We have created everything in equal propoption & measure | Al-Qamar 54:49, Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Indeed, Allah is knowing and acquainted | The Quran 49:13, And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds | Quran 21:107, And We created you in pairs | The Noble Quran 78:8, They are [varying] degrees in the sight of Allah and Allah is Seeing of whatever they do | Surah Al-Imran. Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs | Surah Al-Hujurat (49:12), Over all those endowed with knowledge is the All-Knowing | Surah Yusuf (12:76), And women of purity are for men of purity. Hope to see more in future May Allah bless you. all my brothers n sisters,i’ve an appeal,request frm my heart to every1… Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam. Imam Ali Reza PBUH. Ma sha ALLAH, may Allah reward u here and after, and we appreciate this me and my muslim brothers and sisters thanks for the Da’wah. <3 Allah does. Indeed! Reflect. Thank you Fauzia. I will keep you posted! Yet they heed not and they turn away | Surah Al-Anbya 21:1, There is no soul but has over it a Protector | At-Tariq 86:4, And hold firmly to the rope of Allah (SWT) all together and do not become divided | Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:103, Help each other in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression | Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:2, So be patient. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème citations bibliques, citations chrétiennes, biblique. if he is with you, no one can harm you. – Mufti Ismail Menk. Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers. it is Islam that has made the Muslim great. Asim, Salam Asim, sure – happy to get the words out there that could benefit more people. Than the present | Surah Al-Dhuha 93:4, My mercy embraces all things | Surat Al-A’raf 7:156, And who despairs from the mercy of his Lord, except those astray? JAzak Allah for commenting and apreciating this post :/, Assalaamu alikum… The prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم  said: “Leave that which doesn’t concern you.”. As we read on and understand these beautiful Quran quotes, let us not forget on how we can apply it to our lives. Thank you for sharing such beautiful quotes regarding Islam, means deeply in my heart. I spread your above Hadeeth on some Islamic Groups and Non Islamic Muslim Groups there i am sharing and there many peoples like and shares. Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. So I hope with this effort, it helps to bring us closer to Him and His teachings. Enregistrée par Oum Nour. Yes the Quran was not written by our prophet in English as he was born in Saudi Arabia not in England where in the 7th century the language was made.

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