ccf sciences cap 2015

- CCF (outils) - Culture scientifique - Lectures - Examens ponctuels - Espace TIC - Espace Laboratoire. email:, Tracy Kimbrel, Contacts. National Science Foundation telephone: With catalysts on the horizon and pipelines that encompass a variety of indications and innovative platforms, these biotechs are primed to return multiples on investment. They should be included at the end of the overview in the project summary and might appear, for example, as Keywords: energy-aware computing; formal logic; computer graphics; sensor networks; information visualization; privacy. Cooperative agreements also are administered in accordance with NSF Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms and Conditions (CA-FATC) and the applicable Programmatic Terms and Conditions. bymanagement to finance theFoundation’s operations and tomitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. Both criteria are to be given full consideration during the review and decision-making processes; each criterion is necessary but neither, by itself, is sufficient. The limit on the number of proposals per PI, co-PI or Senior Personnel applies only to the coordinated solicitation. The participation of students from groups underrepresented in computing -underrepresented minorities, women and persons with disabilities -is strongly encouraged. SHF supports research projects focusing on program analysis and synthesis, compositionality, verifiability and adaptability of software, as well as research on software analysis and testing techniques for all stages of the software life cycle. Any proposal submitted in response to this solicitation should be submitted in accordance with the revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 15-1), which is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after December 26, 2014. CISE REU supplemental funding requests must describe results of any previous such support, including students supported, papers published, etc. Merit Review Criteria: National Science Board approved criteria. 33, Science and Medicine in Football, pp. A further example is network tomography, which involves detecting and classifying spatially distributed anomalies within complex large-scale systems from multiple monitoring (sensor) sites. Each person listed should start a new numbered line. Chapter II, Section D.5 of the Grant Proposal Guide provides additional information on collaborative proposals. 138,455 talking about this. Collaborations that are included in the budget should be described in the Project Description. Large or particularly complex proposals or proposals from new awardees may require additional review and processing time. Other factors influencing supplemental funding decisions include the number of REU requests submitted by any one principal investigator across all of her/his CISE grants. Medium project descriptions must be comprehensive and well-integrated, and should make a convincing case that the collaborative contributions of the project team will be greater than the sum of each of their individual contributions. a) Another three non-profit organisations share its community space with the Foundation and, the latter has agreed to bear certain maintenance incurred for the community space. The CIF program is particularly interested in the application of signal/information processing in complex systems. The AOR must then sign and submit the application to More. Supplementary Documents: In the Supplementary Documents Section, upload the following information where relevant: Provide current, accurate information for all personnel and institutions involved in the project. Included in the CIF program is the reliable transmission of information, in both analog and digital form, in the presence of a variety of channel impairments (noise, multipath, eavesdroppers, interference, etc.). (703) 292-8910, Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria. The FastLane Help Desk answers general technical questions related to the use of the FastLane system. Such outcomes include, but are not limited to: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); improved STEM education and educator development at any level; increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology; improved well-being of individuals in society; development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce; increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others; improved national security; increased economic competitiveness of the United States; and enhanced infrastructure for research and education. In this way, CISE will catalyze exciting new research activities with the potential to make significant advances in the state-of-the-art. Subscribers are informed through e-mail or the user's Web browser each time new publications are issued that match their identified interests. The proposal preparation instructions, budgetary limits, and requirements for these proposals are identical to other proposals submitted to CISE (CCF/CNS/IIS) core programs under each of three size classes with the following exceptions: PROPOSALS FOR CONSIDERATION BY MULTIPLE CISE PROGRAMS. The list should include all PIs, Co-PIs, Senior Personnel, paid/unpaid Consultants or Collaborators, Subawardees, Postdocs, and project-level advisory committee members. Student Chair, CCF ICoC 2017 Doctoral Forum, 2017; ACM SIGCOMM Travel Grant, 2017; Excellent Graduate, Dept. All NSF projects should be of the highest quality and have the potential to advance, if not transform, the frontiers of knowledge. Proposals should clearly describe a plan for evaluating the research. Relevance to application areas is important and collaborations with researchers in those areas are encouraged. telephone: Such reports provide information on accomplishments, project participants (individual and organizational), publications, and other specific products and impacts of the project. The following table analyses the breakdown. John Jones; University of PQR; Senior Personnel, Bob Adams; ABC Community College. NSF funds research and education in most fields of science and engineering. In addition to the coordinated solicitation discussed in this document, NSF provides funding opportunities for the computing community via the following programs and their solicitations: CISE-MPS Interdisciplinary Faculty Program in Quantum Information Science,, Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS),, Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP),, Critical Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Science and Engineering (BIGDATA),, Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM),, Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES),, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS),, Engineering Research Centers (ERCs),, Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS),, Expeditions in Computing,, Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS),, Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions,, Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER),, Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI),, Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC),, Innovation Corps Teams Program (I-Corps),, National Robotics Initiative (NRI),, Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE),, Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships (STC),, Science of Learning Collaborative Networks (SL-CN),, Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC),, Smart and Connected Health (SCH),, United States-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science (USICCS),, Education and Workforce Development Programs, ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers,, Advanced Technological Education (ATE),, CyberCorps(R): Scholarship for Service (SFS),, Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies,, Discovery Research K-12 (DRK-12),, East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for US Graduate Students (EAPSI),, Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP),, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE: EHR),, Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST),, International Research Experiences for Students (IRES),, NSF Research Traineeships Program (NRT),, NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM),, Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science,, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU),, STEM + Computing Partnerships (STEM+C),, Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Data, Networking, and Innovation Program (CC*DNI),, CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI),, Major Research Instrumentation (MRI),, Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation - SSE&SSI (SI2-SSE&SSI), (GPG Chapter II.C.2.d.i. PHYSICAL SCIENCES GRADES 10-12 CAPS 3 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES GRADES 10-12 1.1 Background The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (NCS) stipulates policy on curriculum and assessment in the schooling sector. Full proposals submitted via FastLane: Proposals submitted in response to this program solicitation should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the general guidelines contained in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG). Such letters do not document collaborative arrangements of significance to the project, but primarily convey a sense of enthusiasm for the project and/or highlight the qualifications of the PI or co-PI. Small Projects, with total budgets up to $500,000 for durations of up to three years, are well suited to one or two investigators (PI and one co-PI or other Senior Personnel) and at least one student and/or postdoc. In determining which method to utilize in the electronic preparation and submission of the proposal, please note the following: Collaborative Proposals. Investigators interested in the SHF program may also wish to consider the CSR program in the CNS division, which focuses on advances in system computing and system programming that are particular to an application domain or a specific hardware platform. telephone: Reporting Requirements: Standard NSF reporting requirements apply. Shop the official Etnies site for Skate Shoes, Clothing, and Accessories. Please note that letters of support may not be submitted. Select an acronym from the following list: The acronym should be followed with a colon, then the project class followed by a colon, then the title of your project. In addition, Program Officers may obtain comments from site visits before recommending final action on proposals. The Foundation also supports cooperative research between universities and industry, US participation in international scientific and engineering efforts, and educational activities at every academic level. Other receivables are normallywith no fixed terms and therefore there is nomaturity. Historical market cap snapshots of cryptocurrencies, starting in April 2013. National Science Foundation Proposers should also be aware of core strategies that are essential to the fulfillment of NSF's mission, as articulated in Investing in Science, Engineering, and Education for the Nation's Future: NSF Strategic Plan for 2014-2018. You are currently viewing the SEO version of !text.It has a number of design and functionality limitations. Reviewers will be instructed not to consider these letters of support in reviewing the merits of the proposal. After programmatic approval has been obtained, the proposals recommended for funding will be forwarded to the Division of Grants and Agreements for review of business, financial, and policy implications. This supplementary document should describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results. More information on topics appropriate for this program is available at: To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts? For example, for projects involving two principal investigators, REU supplemental funding is typically requested for about four undergraduates for one year. Empirical research that increases understanding of software and software creation is also in scope. A statement, of up to two pages, explaining why the proposed research can be described as "breakthrough," and how any associated uncertainty and risk will be managed, must be submitted as a document under Supplementary Documentation. Exemples de CCF en CAP 9 décembre 2013 , par admin2 Sujet de mathématiques et sujet de sciences physiques en CAP utilisant la nouvelle grille nationale d’évaluation. Additional information on the Expeditions program can be accessed at:, CISE encourages proposals that promise extraordinary outcomes, with a possibly corresponding increase in uncertainty in the research plan and overall risk of success relative to traditional submissions, such as: revolutionizing disciplines or sub-disciplines, creating new fields or subfields, disrupting accepted theories and perspectives, and solving widely recognized challenging problems. (See Section VI.B. For more information on these programs, please consult the NSF web site. - CAP - Bac Pro - BP - CCF (outils) - Culture scientifique - Lectures - Examens ponctuels - Espace TIC - Espace Laboratoire. The keywords should describe the main scientific/engineering areas explored in the proposal. This is a revision of NSF 14-598, the solicitation for the CISE/CCF Core Programs. SHF supports all topics in design automation including, but not limited to logical, physical, behavioral, and high level synthesis methods, interplay between synthesis and verification, design methodologies for scalable, low power and energy efficient circuits, and physical design in silicon technologies. The program supports fundamental and transformative research in processors, interconnects, memory and storage architectures. Under the Cadet Expansion Programme (CEP), the Government committed to grow the total number of cadet units in schools across the UK to 500 by 2020. In either case, whether or not the collaborator is included in the budget, a letter of collaboration from each named participating organization must be provided at the time of submission of the proposal. Project Summary: The Project Summary consists of an overview, a statement on the intellectual merit of the proposed activity, and a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed activity. The time interval begins on the deadline or target date, or receipt date, whichever is later. Rationale must be provided to explain why a budget of this size is required to carry out the proposed work. The program supports research in algorithms needed in all areas, both within and outside computer science. Research on resources other than time and space, such as communication and energy, is also encouraged. The length of and level of detail provided in the Collaboration Plan should be commensurate with the complexity of the proposed project. CISE Program Officers will work with their NSF and CISE colleagues to ensure that these proposals are appropriately reviewed and considered for funding. The information requested may be disclosed to qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the proposal review process; to proposer institutions/grantees to provide or obtain data regarding the proposal review process, award decisions, or the administration of awards; to government contractors, experts, volunteers and researchers and educators as necessary to complete assigned work; to other government agencies or other entities needing information regarding applicants or nominees as part of a joint application review process, or in order to coordinate programs or policy; and to another Federal agency, court, or party in a court or Federal administrative proceeding if the government is a party. Breakthrough proposals may be submitted to all CISE (CCF/CNS/IIS) core programs and may be Small, Medium, or Large. Sujets 2016 & 2017 contenant des sciences appliquées Référentiels Alimentation, hôtellerie, restauration contenant des sciences appliquées Sujet 2015 : sujets et corrigés contenant des sciences … After scientific, technical and programmatic review and consideration of appropriate factors, the NSF Program Officer recommends to the cognizant Division Director whether the proposal should be declined or recommended for award. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields of science and engineering.". Therefore, proposers must fully address both criteria. GOALI proposals: PIs submitting GOALI proposals should include industry-university agreement letters on intellectual property in this section. To maximize your viewing experience of this digital catalog, we recommend installing Adobe Flash Player Plugin. Formations. Research outcomes are expected to lead to more secure and reliable communications and advanced mathematical capabilities that are applicable throughout science and engineering. Research teams funded through multi-investigator projects may request support for a larger number of students, commensurate with the size and nature of their projects. Try out Cvent's event management software! Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. If a Medium proposal with more than one investigator does not include a Collaboration Plan, that proposal will be returned without review. Applicable Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s): Anticipated Type of Award: Standard Grant or Continuing Grant, Estimated Number of Awards: 170 Once registered, the applicant's organization can then apply for any federal grant on the website. Readers will want to monitor the SEERS site to keep up-to-date on the newest resuscitation science Submission Window Date(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): September 10 - September 16, Annually Thereafter, September 18 - September 24, Annually Thereafter, November 4 - November 18, Annually Thereafter. CCF-supported projects also integrate research and education activities to pre… A movement of Christ-committed followers making Christ-committed followers to honor God. XPS is particularly interested in “clean-slate” approaches that re-evaluate and possibly re-design the traditional hardware and software stack. In addition, the NSF Application Guide (see link in Section V.A) provides instructions regarding the technical preparation of proposals via If the size of the activity is limited, evaluation of that activity in isolation is not likely to be meaningful. Program Description of this document. ), and 4) specific references to the budget line items that support collaboration and coordination mechanisms. If it does not include this statement, that proposal will be considered as a regular proposal. A number of channel architectures are of interest, including multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, feedback channels, optical channels, quantum channels, and biological channels. Describe curriculum development activities, if any, in a separate section (included in these page limits) titled "Curriculum Development Activities. More information on topics appropriate for the Algorithmic Foundations program is available at:, Communications and Information Foundations (CIF). The project activities may be based on previously established and/or innovative methods and approaches, but in either case must be well justified. To identify which projects to support, NSF relies on a merit review process that incorporates consideration of both the technical aspects of a proposed project and its potential to contribute more broadly to advancing NSF's mission "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for other purposes." PIs are required to use NSF's electronic project-reporting system, available through, for preparation and submission of annual and final project reports. John H. Cozzens, Point of Contact, Communications and Information Foundations (CIF), There are two types of collaboration, one involving individuals/organizations that are included in the budget, and the other involving individuals/organizations that are not included in the budget. The two merit review criteria are listed below. (2015). Sujets CAP session 2016; Benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (Broader Impacts)? In addition, CISE encourages REU supplements that specifically afford US veterans an opportunity to engage in meaningful research experiences. Additional merit review considerations apply. The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), which operates in schools, and normally includes Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force sections. A summary rating and accompanying narrative will be completed and submitted by each reviewer. More information on topics appropriate for the Software and Hardware Foundations program is available at: The National Science Foundation has Telephonic Device for the Deaf (TDD) and Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) capabilities that enable individuals with hearing impairments to communicate with the Foundation about NSF programs, employment or general information. The Project Description must contain, as a separate section within the narrative, a section labeled “Broader Impacts of the Proposed Work.” This section should include a discussion of the broader impacts of the proposed activities.

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